Monday, September 11, 2017

Gospel Meeting at Plateau church of Christ, Plateau, Mahongkog, Magpet, Cotabato (5 Souls Baptized)

Five (5) precious souls had submitted to baptism after the Gospel Meeting at Plateau church of Christ, Plateau, Mahongkog, Magpet, Cotabato. Brother Roweno Lino is the preacher in this congregation.

I (Joshua Notarte) was one of the speakers who preached the word of God. Together with me were brother Joseph Notarte, Jonathan Notarte, Jimmy Noa Sr. and Julie Divine A. Notarte. Many preachers had attended but due to limited time, only few were able to preach. But they cooperated in leading songs. They are brother Hope Itdang, Placido Solangga, Victor Ambag and Loreto Labe.

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Wednesday, September 6, 2017

18 Souls Baptized at Provincial Rehabilitation Center in Matti, Digos City, Davao del Sur

We give all the glory to God for the harvest of souls at Provincial Rehabilitation Center or Davao del Sur Provincial Jail in Matti, Digos City, Davao del Sur. Eighteen (18) precious souls had submitted to baptism after hearing and believing the Gospel of Christ through our weekly bible studies every Thursday.

Brother Julie Divine A. Notarte preached first before we went to the water. Other preachers who cooperated were brother Ben Dulong, Joseph Notarte, Jonathan Notarte and I (Joshua Notarte). Sister Susan Dulong has cooperated.

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Saturday, July 8, 2017

Gospel Meeting at Sitio Mahabok, Nam-Nam, Marilog Dist., Davao City (33 Souls Baptized)

33 Precious Souls were baptized after the Gospel Meeting at Sitio Mahabok, Nam-Nam, Marilog Dist., Davao City through the help of brother Moca Marapan

My father, Julie Divine A. Notarte, was requested to preach before the baptism. They already heard the truth for many times through bible studies and radio programs of the Church of Christ. I was one of the preachers who cooperated with brothers Joseph Notarte and Jonathan Notarte. But we give all the glory to God!

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Tuesday, June 20, 2017

Gospel Meeting at Albatana church of Christ, Albatana, Maibo, Magsaysay, Davao del Sur (12 Souls Baptized)

We give all the glory to God because of the 12 precious souls who submitted to baptism after the Gospel Meeting at Albatana church of Christ, Sitio Albatana, Maibo, Magsaysay, Davao del Sur where brother Larry Madialan and Jerome Pari preaches. 

I (Joshua Notarte) was one of the speakers who preached the word of God. My father, Julie Divine A. Notarte also preaches. Other preachers who cooperated were brother Jimmy Labuguen and Joseph Notarte.

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Saturday, January 21, 2017

3 Preaching Schedules (A Total Of 9 Souls Baptized)

January 21, 2017

God's Word is never wasted (Isaiah 55:11). It shall always glorify him. You may never see the harvest, but someone else will, and God will be glorified. His Word shall not return to him void. People are dying in sin. They need the gospel. Give it to them. Preach boldly, with love in your heart (Eph. 4:15) and have the spirit of Christ.

We give all the glory to God for the harvest of 9 precious souls as the result of preaching the true Gospel of Christ. From early morning to evening, we were busy for the Lord's work and thankful for the great result.

First, we preached on a BIBLE STUDY at Palusok church of Christ, Palusok, Mua-an, Kidapawan City where brother Alejandro Anoling Sr. preaches together with his son, Carlos Anoling. Many of those who attended were not yet members of the Church of Christ. Brother Julie Divine A. Notarte preached the word of God.

The second preaching schedule we had was the GOSPEL MEETING at Doles church of Christ, Doles, Magpet, Cotabato where brother Ruben Panday preaches. We are thankful to see the brethren who continue in their faith and also with the alien sinners who attended that are seeking for truth.

The speakers who preached the Gospel were brother Rodulfo Neniel, Joseph Notarte, Jonathan Notarte, I (Joshua A. Notarte), and Julie Divine A. Notarte.

During the invitation song, 8 men and women came forward and confessed Christ. We immediately baptized them at the river. Brother Julie Divine A. Notarte baptized them and we give all the glory to God. Their names are: 1. Josie Eulalio, 2. Venancio Gumay, 3. Jen-Jen Gumay, 4. Lycamae Joy Ligue, 5. Johnny Boy Malano, 6. Myla Orhim, 7. Alona Francisco, and 8. Arnold Olido.

Just after we finished the baptism of 8 souls, another person has arrived and was very willing to be baptized. He already heard the Gospel for many times. Having no doubt of his faith, my father baptized him with a total of 9 precious souls who submitted to baptism. His name is Alberto Guabong. To God be the glory!

The third preaching schedule was the Radio Program of the Church of Christ.  I (Joshua A. Notarte) preached this night. Our radio program was heard in our local radio station, Radyo Ukay Digos 92.7 FM at 6:00 - 6:30 PM. Through this radio program, many people heard the Gospel of Christ and after several times of listening, they obeyed the truth. To God be the glory!

Thursday, January 19, 2017

Bible Study at Davao del Sur Provincial Jail - 01-19-2017

Bible study is an action and produces attitudes and actions, leading even to eternal salvation. In the latter part of John 6:63, Jesus specifies: ". . .the words that I speak unto you, they are spirit, and they are life." The Word of God is to be heard in regular and faithful proclamation in the public assemblies of the church (Acts 20:7), and in the ongoing work of each local church sounding out the Word of the Lord (1 Thess. 1:8). 

Every Thursday morning, we continue to preach the Gospel of Christ at Davao del Sur Provincial Jail (also known as Provincial Rehabilitation Center) in Matti, Digos City. There are more than 500 prisoners who can hear the truth and many of them had obeyed the Gospel and are now members of the Church of Christ. This time, brother Jonathan A. Notarte preached the word of God. Brother Joseph Notarte lead the songs and the preachers who cooperated were brother Ben Dulong, Ruel Eloy, Joey Bilang and I (Joshua A. Notarte).

Tuesday, January 17, 2017

Funeral Service of Brother Julito S. Pandian

January 17, 2017

None of us enjoys funerals, but the reflection demanded by such occasions is good for us. The Bible speaks of the need to learn the lessons that are taught by facing death's reality. Notice the words of Solomon: “It is better to go to the house of mourning than to go to the house of feasting, for that is the end of all men; and the living will take it to heart. Sorrow is better than laughter, for by a sad countenance the heart is made better. The heart of the wise is in the house of mourning, but the heart of fools is in the house of mirth” (Eccl. 7:2-4).

Our brother in Christ, Julito S. Pandian, died due to complicated illness. He was a faithful member of the Church of Christ at San Isidro, Magsaysay, Davao del Sur where brother Cornelio Ampo preaches. During this night, my father, Julie Divine A. Notarte, was requested to preached the word of God in order to comfort the bereaved family and also to preach the truth about salvation in Christ. Many people had attended. Brother Jonathan Notarte has cooperated.

Sunday, January 15, 2017

Worship Services 01-15-2017

"I was glad when they said unto me, let us go unto the house of Jehovah" (Psa. 122:1). Christians are to look forward, with a joyful spirit to the assembling of themselves together (Heb. 10:25). They should enjoy each other's company, seek to bear each other's burdens, show a fervent love one for the other and realize a sense of community in assembling together with a joyful spirit of worshiping God.

9:00 - 11:00 AM - I (Joshua A. Notarte) and my father, Julie Divine A. Notarte, preached on the worship service at Digos City church of Christ, Roxas Ext., Zone 3, Digos City, Davao del Sur. Brother Joey Bilang lead the songs and brother Cebe Arjay NotarteMencio Mangcal, Romel Cabaña, etc. had cooperated.

At the same time, brother Jonathan A. Notarte, preached at Taclobo church of Christ, Taclobo, Libertad, Kaputian, Island Garden City of Samal. Together with him who preached was brother Bobby Enotivas. My mother, Estrella A. Notarte, went with him.

Brother Joseph Notarte preached in 2 congregations during the worship services. First, he preached at New Quezon church of Christ, New Quezon, Hagonoy, Davao del Sur. After that, he preached at Manga church of Christ, Manga, Matanao, Davao del Sur.

Brother Felipe Tula Jr. and Valente Tumol Sr. also preached at Bitaug church of Christ, Bitaug, Sta. Cruz, Davao del Sur.

Brother Advincula Odas also preached at Astorga church of Christ, Astorga, Sta. Cruz, Davao del Sur.

4:00 - 5:00 PM - Brother Joseph Notarte preached again at Padada church of Christ, Sikatuna St., Padada, Davao del Sur.

Saturday, January 14, 2017

Gospel Meeting at Upper Balnate church of Christ, Upper Balnate, Magsaysay, Davao del Sur (2 Souls Baptized) & Radio Preaching at night

January 14, 2017

The apostle Paul identifies Christ’s disciples as those who have been washed, justified, and sanctified (1 Cor. 6:11), regardless of what sins they had committed. In addition, Paul says that God “saved us, not on the basis of deeds we have done in righteousness, but according to His mercy, by the washing of regeneration and the renewal of the Holy Spirit” (Tit. 3:5). Paul identifies God’s people as the sanctified bride of Christ, “having cleansed her by the washing of water with the word” (Eph. 5:26). One who fails to abound in godly character “has forgotten that he was purified from his former sins” (2 Pet. 1:9).

We preached the word of God on the ANNUAL GOSPEL MEETING at Upper Balnate church of Christ, Upper Balnate, Magsaysay, Davao del Sur where brother Cristituto Marquez and Cenon Taña preaches. This is an old congregation and steadfastly serving God. Every year, they hosted a Gospel Meeting and are able to harvest more souls into Christ.

The SPEAKERS who preached the word of God were brother Joseph Notarte, Pedro Perez, Jonathan Notarte, I (Joshua A. Notarte), Franklin Isla and Julie Divine A. Notarte.

After preaching the whole truth, 2 precious souls responded to the invitation and submitted to baptism. They are Roland Loon and Ryan Marquez. They attended the worship services for many times and were able to heard the Gospel of Christ through the help of brother Cristituto Marquez. We give all the glory to God for this addition in God's kingdom!

At 6:00-6:30 PM, the Radio Program of the Church of Christ was aired and heard throughout Davao del Sur province and neighboring areas. It can be heard in Radyo Ukay Digos DXRG 92.7 FM and simultaneously heard also in DXDS 1161 AMI (Joshua A. Notarte), preached this time. This radio program was very helpful in reaching many lost souls. Through this program, many people heard the truth and after several times of listening, they invited us and obey the Gospel and are now members of the Church of Christ. To God be the glory!