Sunday, September 20, 2015

Gospel Meeting at KIBAWALAN CHURCH OF CHRIST, Kibawalan, Malungon Gamay, Malungon, Sarangani Province

September 19, 2015

Host Preacher: Bro. Alijo Sanama

     1. Joseph Notarte
     2. Jonathan Notarte
     3. Joshua Notarte
     4. Rudy Coercy Notarte
     5. Julie Divine Notarte

Preachers cooperated were brother Mamerto Sanama and Pedrito Matampole.

Bro. Joseph Notarte, the 1st speaker

Bro. Jonathan Notarte, 2nd speaker

I, myself, Joshua Notarte, 3rd speaker

I, myself, Joshua Notarte, 3rd speaker

Bro. Rudy Coercy Notarte, 4th speaker

My father, Julie Notarte, 5th speaker

My father, Julie Notarte, 5th speaker

During the invitation song

Human power! It catches my attention while they're playing

Their congregation

Bro. Pedrito Matampole baptized 14 precious souls.

Bro. Pedrito Matampole baptized 14 precious souls.

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