Thursday, March 31, 2016

Funeral Service of Leonardo Miguel

March 31, 2016

On the night of March 31, the Church of Christ was given a time in a funeral service to preach the truth and comfort the family of Leonardo Miguel. They are not members of the Church of Christ but they are close friends to us. 

My father, Julie Divine A. Notarte, preached the word of God. Brother Jonathan Notarte lead the songs. The preachers who cooperated were brother Joseph Notarte, Cebe Arjay Notarte, Ben Dulong, Pedrito Matampole and I (Joshua Notarte). There were many "Pastors" and other denominational leaders who attended and heard the truth. They said that the teaching of the Church of Christ is far better than what they had since they heard a biblical preaching. Please pray that God may touch the hearts to those who heard the truth.

Bible Study with the Prisoners in Davao del Sur Provincial Jail, Matti, Digos City, Davao del Sur

March 31, 2016

We continue to preach the Gospel of Christ to the prisoners in Davao del Sur Provincial Jail (also known as "Provincial Rehabilitation Center" / PRC) where more than 500 prisoners detained. For one year already, we established the truth and many prisoners are already ready to be baptized. God willing, we can harvest these souls through the permission of Jail administration. It is not easy for us to make baptism inside the jail since we have to request more jail guards to look for our safety and we need to give some foods for them and also to the prisoners who are very hard up inside the jail. We could not do this all without God's help and providence. 

This time, brother Julie Divine A. Notarte preached the word of God. Brother Jonathan A. Notarte lead the songs and brother Ben Dulong and I (Joshua A. Notarte) had cooperated. The jail warden was very thankful for us in our work here in preaching the truth. According to him, many prisoners are changing into good and better persons. We pray that this work will be more fruitful in the future.

Tuesday, March 29, 2016

Gospel Meeting in Kalonbarak church of Christ, Kalonbarak, Poblacion, Malungon, Sarangani Province (2 SOULS BAPTIZED)

March 29, 2016

The brethren in Kalonbarak church of Christ invited us again to preach on a gospel meeting. Although they are suffering in severe drought, their faith and eagerness to preach the truth in their community was not hindered. As a result, more souls were added to the Church of Christ. Brother Simplicio Galacio worked hard in preaching here even if he has no financial support. Please pray for him that God may find a way to meet his needs. He is already half-blinded and needs eye surgery but he don't have money for hospitalization. He is pleading for help to those who are able.

I, Joshua A. Notarte, was one of the speakers who preached the word of God. I taught the lesson about the Church which can be read in the bible. My father, Julie Divine A. Notarte, preached next to me. Other preachers who attended were brother Jonathan A. Notarte who lead the songs. Brother Joseph A. Notarte and Pedrito Matampole were requested to fetch water because there was no more water in this community since the drought started. We only have to use water drum to do the baptism as our aid.

After preaching the truth, 2 PRECIOUS SOULS responded to the invitation and were baptized immediately by brother Julie Notarte and we give all the glory to God. Their names are: (1) Irish Talusan and (2) Irene Ariola. Please pray for them that God may help them grow unto maturity in their faith.

Saturday, March 26, 2016

Gospel Meeting at Compound church of Christ, Compound, Kilong, Manga, Matanao, Davao del Sur (8 SOULS BAPTIZED)

March 26, 2016

As we travel to a gospel meeting in Compound church of Christ, we observed the great evidence of drought effect to the land in Matanao, Davao del Sur areas. Hectares of rice fields don't have plants anymore and it is impossible to plant any crops due to dry spell and severe heat. This area is one of the most affected by this long drought and this area also have many brethren who are living and more dependent in farming. Now, they are very hard up in finding foods and cause many brethren to have sickness. We are pleading for help to the brethren who are able. Please pray for us.

We preached the Gospel of Christ to many alien sinners and brethren in Compound church of Christ where brother Dominguez Manife preaches. This congregation was established 15 years ago but due to lack of preachers who could edify them, it became inactive for several years. But thanks to God, it was restored due to the request of the brethren who still remain in their faith.

I, Joshua A. Notarte, was one of the speakers who preached the word of God. Together with me who preached was my father, Julie Divine A. Notarte. Many visitors had attended and heard the truth about the Church of Christ. Brother Jonathan A. Notarte lead the songs. He was not able to preach because of his cough. Brother Joseph Notarte, my eldest brother was not able to go with us because of arthritis. This is due to our busy schedule in preaching in different places.

After preaching the truth, 8 SOULS responded the invitation and submitted to baptism. They heard the Gospel of Christ for several times through bible studies done by brother Dominguez Manife and his co-preachers. We immediately baptized them at the river and we give all the glory to God. Their names are: 1. Geraldine Culaman, 2. Rosita Cansing, 3. Nora Culaman, 4. Jenal Diambolang, 5. Ivy Culaman, 6. Dina Culaman, 7. Ronel Culaman, and 8. Romeo Codino

There is a great need of Bibles and Hymnals translated in our local dialect, "Cebuano." Only few were given to the brethren in different congregations because it is very limited in numbers. We thank brother Ron Halbrook in giving bibles translated in our local dialect which help many brethren for their bible study. In relation to hymnals, we do what we can to reproduce by printing copies but our printer is not heavy duty. It could only reproduce 10 hymnals per day. We need machine that could reproduce greater copies per day but it is quite expensive. Please help us pray for this matter.

Friday, March 25, 2016

Vacation Bible Study at Ginatilan church of Christ, Ginatilan, Kidapawan City

March 25, 2016

We are thankful to be part of the speakers to teach young men and women on a Vacation Bible Study (VBS) held in Ginatilan church of Christ where brother Hope Itdang preaches. More than 120 youth attended that came from different places in Davao City, Davao del Sur, and Cotabato provinces. Brother Connie Balbin and his brothers facilitated this work every year.

Before we begin preaching this day, we give bibles translated in our local dialect "Cebuano" to those who attended that have no personal bible and they are very thankful. This is through the help of brother Ron Halbrook and we distribute it to many preachers of the Church of Christ who could not afford to buy one especially those who lived in hinterlands.

Brother Dudley Ross Balbin taught about singing and song leading. Everyone is attentive and cooperative and willing to learn.

The SPEAKERS on this 2nd day VBS where brother:
1. FRANK ISLA, a preacher in Bansalan church of Christ, Gumamela St., Bansalan, Davao del Sur. He taught the lesson, "The Role of Children in the Home."
2. JOSEPH NOTARTE, a preacher in New Quezon church of Christ, New Quezon, Hagonoy, Davao del Sur. He taught the lesson, "7 C's of Successful Marriage."
3. JONATHAN NOTARTE, a preacher in Manga church of Christ, Manga, Matanao, Davao del Sur. He taught the lesson, "Discipline in the Home."
4. I, JOSHUA A. NOTARTE, a preacher in Bitaug church of Christ, Bitaug, Sta. Cruz, Davao del Sur. I was assigned to preach on 2 lessons. These are (1) "Parents with Troubling Children" & (2) "Why We Lose Our Young People?"
5. JULIE DIVINE A. NOTARTE, a preacher in Digos City church of Christ, Roxas Ext., Zone 3, Digos City, Davao del Sur. He was also assigned to preach on 2 lessons. These are (1) "Marriage, Divorce and Remarriage" & (2) "Problems Facing Today's Family."

We are thankful that God touch the heart of those who heard the truth that hopefully can changed their lives too by serving faithfully to God. 12 SOULS submitted to baptism on MARCH 26, 2016 after hearing the Gospel of Christ. Brother Hope Itdang baptized them and we give all the glory to God.

Wednesday, March 16, 2016

Gospel Meeting in Kalonbarak church of Christ, Kalonbarak, Poblacion, Malungon, Sarangani Province (5 SOULS BAPTIZED)

March 16, 2016

The Gospel of Christ was preached again in Kalonbarak church of Christ where brother Simplicio Galacio preaches. More and more people in this community had heard the truth and were interested to learn more about the Church of Christ. We were invited again to preach and we thank God for making this possible.

My father, Julie Divine A. Notarte, preached the word of God and brother Jonathan A. Notarte cooperated. He is the only speaker because we want to consume the whole time in his lesson. 

Other men like brother Joseph Notarte and Pedrito Matampole had worked behind the scene in finding water and use it for baptism. There was no more water in this community since the drought started last year, so the people here especially our brethren in Christ needs to walked 2 hours just to carry 2 containers of water using their horse. 

After preaching the truth, 5 PRECIOUS SOULS submitted to baptism and we give all the glory to God. My father, Julie Divine A. Notarte, baptized them using a drum filled with water and we give all the glory to God.

There are thousands of brethren in different places here in Mindanao island are still suffering due to this long drought we are experiencing. They need your help for their food and medicines. Many brethren came in our house in Digos City to ask for help. Many of them were confined in Digos City hospitals and we do what we can to help them. Many text messages were received from the brethren in Davao del Sur, Bukidnon and North Cotabato provinces informing us on the death toll of our brethren who died each day due to this drought, they don't have foods anymore and their children are crying in hunger. May God help us in this hard times and touch the heart of the brethren who are able. Please pray for us.