Thursday, March 10, 2016

Funeral Service of Sister Nena Hong

March 10, 2016

Our beloved sister in Christ, Nena Hong, died on March 2, 2016. Her family was not able to find out what really is her illness due to lack of money for hospitalization. She is a faithful member of the Church of Christ and attended the worship services in Puas Inda church of Christ, Puas Inda, Amas, Kidapawan City where brother Gerry Noa preaches.

My father, Julie Divine A. Notarte, was requested to preach on the last funeral service until the burial. I (Joshua A. Notarte) was requested to lead the songs. And my 2 brothers in flesh, Joseph and Jonathan, had cooperated. Many people and brethren had attended.


Many preachers of the Church of Christ also helped in comforting the family of sister Nena by preaching the word of God on previous days. They are brother Jimmy Noa Sr., Jimmy Noa Jr., Gerry Noa, Noli Caa, Francisco Pampangan, Arturo Bugcotan and many more. We do what we can to help them in this hard times especially by preaching the truth where our sister in Christ, Nena Hong, was standing until her last breath. Please pray for her family and all the brethren in Puas Inda church of Christ.


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