Friday, March 4, 2016

Gospel Meeting at Kisante church of Christ, Kisante, Makilala, Cotabato (One Soul Baptized)

March 4, 2016

We were requested to preach on a Gospel Meeting at Kisante church of Christ, Kisante, Makilala, Cotabato. Brother Noli Caa is the preacher in this congregation for many years together with his brothers in flesh, Gerry Caa and Hafly Caa who also helped in growing this congregation.

Song Leaders: Brother Hope Itdang and Noli Caa

1. Joseph A. Notarte
2. Jonathan A. Notarte
3. Joshua A. Notarte
4. Julie Divine A. Notarte

After preaching the truth, ONE (1) soul submitted to baptism. She is MANILYN ANDIG. She attended worship services for many times. Brother Danny Perez helped in preaching to her through many bible studies. My father, Julie Divine A. Notarte, baptized her and we give all the glory to God.

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