Monday, May 30, 2016

Several Brethren Confined in Llanos Hospital, Digos City, Davao del Sur

May 30, 2016

Our co-preacher, brother Felipe Tula Jr., was confined in Llanos Hospital, Digos City due to dengue fever. He was confined for 8 days. He was very weak when we visited him. We prayed for his immediate recovery. Together with me were brother Ruel Eloy, Joseph Notarte, Jonathan Notarte and our father, Julie Divine A. Notarte. Brother Felipe is a preacher in Noa church of Christ, Noa, Magpet, North Cotabato and helped preaching to many lost souls. He is now staying in our house in Digos City and help us making Hymnals translated in our local dialect, Cebuano. This will be given to the most needy brethren who can't afford to buy their own. 

In the other room of the hospital, brother Rodulfo Manib and his mother, Rosita Manib, were both confined since May 21, 2016. They were very sick and pleading for help. They are both members in Dongan Pekong church of Christ, Dongan Pekong, Matanao, Davao del Sur. They were baptized since 1996 and until now, they remain faithful in the Church of Christ. Brother Dionisio Tol is their preacher. 

They are all asking for food for their watchers and some amount for their medicines. They are poor and needy. These brethren lived in war areas where many military operations made from time to time against armed rebels. Please pray for them.

Saturday, May 28, 2016

Gospel Meeting at Gutalid church of Christ, Gutalid, Kitaotao, Bukidnon (15 SOULS BAPTIZED)

May 28, 2016
"Blessed are those who hunger and thirst for righteousness, for they shall be satisfied." - Matthew 5:6

It was a blessed day as we preached the Gospel of Christ into the hungry souls who are ready to obey the truth. Brother Moca Marapan invited us to preach in Gutalid church of Christ, Gutalid, Kitaotao, Bukidnon where the brethren are waiting. Some of them came from Palasungan church of Christ and have to walk at least 1 hour or about 4 miles just to attend. On the other side, we also woke up at 3:00 AM to prepare for 4 hours trip using our car. Although it has mechanical defects, we decided to pursue because of the people who are already waiting since yesterday and we are thankful for the safe travel. By God's grace, 15 precious souls submitted to baptism after preaching the truth for several times through the help of brother Moca Marapan and his co-preachers and we give all the glory to God!

The brethren are very thankful to God for the rain in their area since they are much affected of a long drought for at least one year. Many brethren here and in neighboring places died because of severe heat and hunger. Many are still sick but lack of medicines. Many are hungry because they have just started to plant their crops and have to wait about 3 to 4 month before they can harvest. Not only that, they are also victims of war in their area. Every now and then, the military operations were made because of the presence of communist rebels. For many times, they have to evacuate their houses and little gardens. They are asking for our prayers and help in this hard times. We do what we can to help them. We provide the foods for the Gospel Meeting.

During the Gospel meeting, we gathered in Barangay Assembly Hall of Gutalid, Kitaotao, Bukidnon. My father, Julie Divine A. Notarte, was the only speaker who preached the word of God.  I (Joshua A. Notarte) lead the songs and my brothers in flesh, Joseph and Jonathan had cooperated. We need to finish early because our car's defects are getting worse and we are afraid to break down in the road.

After preaching the whole truth about Salvation in Christ, 15 SOULS came forward on the invitation song and submitted to baptism. Their names are: 1. Michael Mendez, 2. Jimboy Guinto, 3. Jun-Jun Ansayod, 4. Henry Ocoman, 5. Kevin Carsillar, 6. Chabilita Texon, 7. Jonalyn Tulayag, 8. Michelle Rebawan, 9. Resegel Amay, 10. Michie Indao, 11. Jenifer Anlaod, 12. Irene Ansayod, 13. Melanie Bucas, 14. Rossel Marapan, and 15. Ramil Marapan. Please pray for our new brethren that they will grow unto maturity in Christ.

During the baptism, we need to find a river which have enough water because the river in Gutalid was still empty. We need to rent a motorbike to transport those who are willing to be baptized. You can see on the picture below their style of transportation and the Pajero car we are always using in preaching to different places. Finally, we are thankful to God for this accomplishment given to us in harvesting many souls into Christ. May God continue to bless us all.

Thursday, May 26, 2016

Bible Study at Davao del Sur Provincial Jail, Matti, Digos City, Davao del Sur, Philippines

May 26, 2016

Jesus said,"...I was in prison and you came to visit me." - Matt. 25:26

Since 2006, we started to preach inside the jail. As I always remember, this verse gave us first impression on how important for us to visit the prisoners and do what we can to teach the truth. By God's providence, we did not fail to harvest many lost souls after they heard the Gospel of Christ, believe, repent, confess and baptized. In Digos City District Jail, we baptized 150 souls and here in Davao del Sur Provincial Jail, we baptized 18 souls after one year of preaching and many more are coming to us and requested to be baptized. May God bless this work to grow and become more fruitful.

Brother Jonathan A. Notarte preached this time for our weekly bible study. This schedule was given to us by the jail administration. We were scheduled to preach every Thursday at 9:00-10:00 AM. I (Joshua A. Notarte) lead the songs and brother Ben Dulong and his wife, Susan Dulong, had cooperated.

Wednesday, May 25, 2016

Funeral Service of Sister Natividad Julom

May 25, 2016
"It is sown a natural body; it is raised a spiritual body. 
There is a natural body, and there is a spiritual body." 
- 1 Cor. 15:44

Our sister in Christ, Natividad Julom, 72 years old, died on May 20, 2016 due to complicated illness. She was a wife of our late co-preacher, Jerry Julom, who also died last year who was preaching in Lanton church of Christ, Purok 5, Lanton, Apopong, General Santos City. Their son, Joy Julom, is now preaching in this congregation. According to them, sister Natividad and brother Jerry were baptized in the Church of Christ since 1996 and started to build a church building on 2001. 

On the last night of funeral service of sister Natividad, his son Joy Julom requested my father, Julie Divine A. Notarte, to preach. Together with our whole family, we went there to preach and to comfort their family who are grieving for the loss of their loving mother. Brother Jolly Julom lead the songs. Many preachers of the Church of Christ had attended that came from different places to extend their condolences. On May 26, 2016, she will be buried in the cemetery. Please pray for her family especially to the brethren in Lanton church of Christ. May God bless them all and give joy of assurance that one day, we will meet each other again in heaven.

Saturday, May 21, 2016

Gospel Meeting in Asinan church of Christ, Purok 6, Asinan, Balnate, Magsaysay, Davao del Sur (3 SOULS BAPTIZED) & Radio Preaching at night

May 21, 2016

By God's help, the Gospel meeting at Asinan church of Christ was successfully made that resulted to 3 souls who submitted to baptism after hearing the truth. Brother Cenon Taña labors here for many years. In this congregation, we had met the brethren who were baptized since 1973 by my grandfather, Ruben Notarte. They are brother Adamcio Talang who also helped in preaching here and sister Jolita Cariaso. They are very happy and thankful to see us and were edified. The brethren here did their best to build a meeting place but due to financial crisis, poverty and great effect of drought in their area, it was not yet finished. They don't have money to buy the materials needed. They asked for our prayers and help. The house of brother Adamcio Talang (shown in the picture) proved how hard their lives here. 

The Gospel meeting was held in the Tribal Office and we are thankful for allowing us to use it. The speakers who preached the word of God were brother:
1. Jonathan A. Notarte (who lead the songs)
2. Franklin Isla
3. I (Joshua A. Notarte)
4. Julie Divine A. Notarte

After preaching the truth, 3 precious souls submitted to baptism and we give all the glory to God. They are: 1. Shirley Panan, 2. Shiela Rose Manlangit, and 3. Ariel Aguina. They heard the Gospel of Christ for several times through the help of brother Cenon Taña . My father, Julie Divine A. Notarte, was requested to baptized them and brother Ronald Jay Dela Rosa read some scriptures. Please pray for our new brethren in Christ that they may grow unto maturity and remain faithful.

At 6:00-6:30 PM, the Radio Program of the Church of Christ was aired and heard throughout Davao del Sur province and neighboring areas. It can be heard in Radyo Ukay Digos DXRG 104.7 FM and simultaneously heard also in DXDS 1161 AM. I (Joshua A. Notarte), preached this time. This radio program was very helpful in reaching many lost souls. Through this program, many people heard the truth and after several times of listening, they invited us and obey the Gospel and are now members of the Church of Christ. To God be the glory!

Thursday, May 19, 2016

Bible Study at Davao del Sur Provincial Jail & Distribution of Cebuano Bibles to the Prisoners

May 19, 2016

We continue to preach the word of God in Davao del Sur Provincial Jail, Matti, Digos City, Davao del Sur where many faithful seekers of truth were found. They are not only interested to listen every time we conduct bible studies but are also want to grow their faith and knowledge of Jesus Christ. They requested Cebuano bibles and we are thankful for the brethren in U.S. who gave us so we can distribute to the brethren. They are very thankful for the bibles they received. 

This day, brother Julie Divine A. Notarte preached the word of God and brother Ruel Eloy lead the songs. The preachers who cooperated were brother Ben Dulong, Felipe Tula Jr., and I (Joshua A. Notarte).