Monday, May 2, 2016

Funeral Service & Burial of Brother Dionisio Cantulan

May 2, 2016

On the last day before we buried the dead body of brother Dionisio Cantulan, we preached the word of God that comfort his family, his relatives, friends and all the brethren in Christ. Many of his close relatives and co-preachers of the Church of Christ came to extend their condolences. Brother Dionisio was killed by communist rebels during the military operation in Astorga, Sta. Cruz, Davao del Sur. 

I (Joshua A. Notarte) was requested to lead the songs and brother Julie Divine A. Notarte preached the word of God. Many preachers also had attended. They are brother Joseph Notarte, Jonathan Notarte, Advincula Odas, Connie Balbin, Dudley Ross Balbin, Joseph Cunado, Keith Alagano, and Larry Pahamotang. There was no other men or preacher in the congregation where brother Dionisio Cantulan preaches. We will do what we can to send preacher and we hope and pray that God will provide to make this possible. They need sound preacher that will teach them the true doctrine of Christ.

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