Saturday, October 31, 2015

Gospel Meeting at Upper Biangan Church of Christ, Upper Biangan, Malungon, Sarangani Province

October 31, 2015

 By God's grace, five (5) more souls were added to the Church by obeying the Gospel of Christ as a result of the Gospel Meeting at Upper Biangan Church of Christ where brother Alex Pandato preaches for many years.

According to him, this congregation was originally started in Talnac Church of Christ, Talnac, Biangan, Malungon, Sarangani Province. But because of many bandits who stayed in that place, most of our brethren were displaced here. They were afraid and threatened by the bandits and their living were affected by unending wars. This picture shows their former church building in Talnac Church of Christ which started on 1999.

In the picture (wearing white t-shirt) is brother Alex Pandato, the preacher in this congregation.

Some of the brethren who attended came from Talnac, Biangan, Malungon, Sarangani Province. They walked about an hour or 5 kilometers from the mountain and we are very thankful to see these brethren.
Brother Rudy Coercy Notarte was requested to lead the songs. He came from Tagum City church of Christ, Tagum City, Davao del Norte.
 Brother Joseph A. Notarte, the eldest son of brother Julie Notarte, was the first speaker who preached the word of God. He taught the lesson, "The Road To Hell." It is easy for a person to go to hell but it requires proper commitment and willingness to sacrifice just to serve God in order to go to heaven.
Brother Jonathan A. Notarte, the second son of brother Julie Notarte, was the 2nd speaker. He taught the lesson, "Not Forsaking The Assembly of the Church." He emphasize the 5 acts of worship and everyone of it is important for God to be followed according to His will.
 I, Joshua A. Notarte, the 3rd son of brother Julie Notarte, was the next speaker. I taught the lesson about "The Truth of Halloween." We lived in a world where majority celebrate this as religious activity. We need to be vigilant in all our action and must be a separate people who keep ourselves holy and acceptable to God.
My father, Julie Divine A. Notarte, was the 4th and last speaker. He taught the lesson, "Unequally Yoked Together With Unbelievers." As a Christian, we need NOT to be involved in any sins by having a relationship or fellowship with unbelievers. - 2 Cor. 6:14-7:1
 After preaching the truth, there were 5 souls who came forward during the invitation song and confessed Christ as the Son of God. We were very thankful to God who gave us more harvest of souls.

We end the gospel meeting with a picture taking in-front of their church building. Our prayers that God may give their increase in numbers that many more souls will see the truth in this place. Please pray for them.

Many preachers also had attended: They are brother Pedrito Matampole, Dindo Kilam, Ben Dulong, Dondon Cadayona and his co-preachers from Gensan.

 Brother Alex Pandato did the baptism of these 5 precious souls. Their names are:
1. Arman Loreto
2. Tanny Kilam
3. Lenvin Kilam
4. Gorio Galacio
5. Jason Kilam

We give all glory and honor to God!

 After the baptism, brother Jonathan Notarte read some scriptures for our new brethren in Christ. This is to edify them more in living right with God. - Col. 3:1-17

 Before going home, we take some time to visit the place where brother Dindo Kilam preaches in Damsite Church of Christ, Damsite, Biangan, Malungon, Sarangani Province. In the picture standing in-front of their church building from the left is I (Joshua Notarte), then Jonathan Notarte, Julie Divine A. Notarte, Dindo Kilam, Pedrito Matampole, Alex Pandato and Rudy Coercy A. Notarte.

God willing, we can also have a gospel meeting in this congregation on January 30, 2016. We need your prayers to make this work of God more successful.

Thursday, October 29, 2015

Preaching in Provincial Jail

October 29, 2015

Every Thursday, we preached the Gospel of Christ to the PRISONERS in Davao del Sur Provincial Jail or Provincial Rehabilatation Center (PRC) in Matti, Digos City, Davao del Sur. This is the schedule given to us by Warden Espinosa and we are thankful for allowing us not only to preach but also to take pictures. This time, brother Joseph Notarte lead the songs.
 I, Joshua Notarte, was scheduled to preach. It is our joy to study the bible with them because of the interest they shown by hearing the truth. Most of them stopped what they are doing and attend the bible study. This time, I taught about "The Right Worship." I made it clear that not every kind of worship is acceptable by God.
Other preachers who cooperated were brother Jonathan Notarte and Ben Dulong.

We do what we can to help them especially in their spiritual life. We do not judge them as criminals or just accused for a sins they did not commit. But one thing is for sure, they all need SALVATION IN CHRIST and this is the reason why we should preached the Gospel to them.

Most of them were very poor and they were afar from their loved ones from hundred miles away. We received some request of help for their basic needs like soap, toothpaste, clothes, etc. We do what we can to help them from our own pocket. But most importantly, they plead for our prayers. Please help us pray for them. 

Remember the prisoners as if chained with them—those who are mistreated—since you yourselves are in the body also. (Hebrews 13:3)

Wednesday, October 28, 2015

Two (2) Bible Studies in Digos City

October 28, 2015

 A group of Tricycle Drivers from different Barangays in Kidapawan City invited us to preach the word of God as part of their program. Their organization was known as, "GREMMITODA Association." Almost 100 drivers attended.

Some members in their group were PREACHERS of the Church of Christ. They are brother Carlos Anoling (son of brother Alejandro Anoling Sr.) and Danny Decillo who are preaching in Palusok Church of Christ, Mua-an, Palusok, Kidapawan City. They are both eager to preach the Gospel to their fellow drivers and even to their passengers. Brother Carlos put some preaching outlines in-front of his tricycle so that they will know about the True Church of Christ and it was effective according to him.
 At 9 o'clock in the morning, we went to Pearl-Cris, Dawis, Digos City where they gathered. My father Julie Divine Notarte, preached the Gospel of Christ. He introduce the Church of Christ and give some biblical advice about Prayer.
 Everyone were interested and thankful for us in preaching the Gospel of Christ. We prayed that God will touch their hearts and make Him first in their lives by obeying His command.

Preachers who cooperated were brother Joseph Notarte, Jonathan Notarte and I (Joshua Notarte). 
 Right after our first bible study with the tricycle drivers, we went to Aplaya, Digos City and there our brethren from Maibo Church of Christ, Maibo, Magsaysay, Davao del Sur waiting for us to have another bible study. 

In the picture is Brother Joseph Notarte who lead the songs.
 Brother Julie Divine Notarte preached the word of God. Some also who attended were not yet members of the Church of Christ. So this was a great opportunity for us to preach the truth. Brother Julie emphasize two kinds of birth a man should have. First is Physical Birth and second is the Spiritual Birth that a man could only attain if he/she will obey the Gospel through baptism (John 3:1-5)
Preachers who invited us were brother Larry Madialan, a preacher in Albatana Church of Christ and brother Jerome Pari, a preacher in Maibo Church of Christ, Maibo, Magsaysay, Davao del Sur.

We give all glory to God that His word was continually preached to many alien sinners and to the brethren who needs edification.

Sunday, October 25, 2015

3 Days Gospel Meeting at South Road Church of Christ, South Road, Mambaling, Cebu City

October 23-25, 2015

By God's grace, I and my father, Julie Notarte, were able to attend and preached for the 12th Annual Gospel Meeting at South Road Church of Christ, 885-D Caimito St., Mambaling, Cebu City. Brother Jhun Apatan is one of the preachers in this growing congregation together with brother Pacholo "Chuck" Famor and Bryan Pulgade. We were thankful with these brethren and it is always our joy to work with them. Truly, I can describe them as our "Fellow Helpers For The Truth." - 3 John 8

On the evening of October 23, Brother Jhun Apatan started the Gospel Meeting by leading spiritual songs of the Church. He welcomed us and we are thankful for him and with his wife, Letecia Apatan, and to the brethren in accommodating us who worked behind the scene that make this work successful.

Brother Rosalito Nardo, a preacher from San Felipe Church of Christ, San Felipe, Koronadal City, South Cotabato was the first speaker. He taught the lesson quoted from Prov. 23:23 - "Buy The Truth and Sell It Not."

Brother Gil Suico, a preacher from Bogo City, Cebu was the 2nd speaker that night. He taught the lesson, "The Ideal Church Member."

On October 24, 2015, more brethren from different places had attended. Many visitors  also who belong to different denominations came and heard the truth. Their theme in this gospel meeting was "The Truth and Challenges of Christianity." Though Christian life is not as easy as we think, but the truth is, we are well able to live in Christ as faithful in His Kingdom.

Brother Pacholo "Chuck" Famor lead the songs. He is a good and intelligent preacher who helped the work of God in this congregation. 

My father, Julie Divine Notarte, was the first speaker in this day. He taught the lesson, "Redemption from Beginning to the End." It is a lesson that teaches us how God planned our Salvation and how we can be saved according to His Will. He used our local dialect in his presentation.

Brother Roy Matta, from San Miguel Church of Christ, La Carlota, Negros Occidental was the 2nd speaker this day. He taught the lesson, "Challenges For A Growing Congregation."

I, Joshua Notarte, was the 3rd speaker this day. I was requested to preach about, "What The Bible Says About The Church?" I started the lesson in a question, "Is The Church of Christ A Biblical Church?" This is to emphasize how important for us to become a member of a Church that was written in the Bible where Christ must be the head and has all authority.

The church building or the room where we gathered was fully occupied. Others were not able to go inside because there was no vacant seats. Everyone were very interested in hearing the truth where the bible alone is our standard.

After lunch, brother Rosalito Nardo, preached and was the 4th speaker. He taught the lesson, "Christ's Relationship To The Church"

Brother Nathan Cajigas, a preacher from Toledo, Cebu City was the 5th speaker. He taught the lesson, "What The Resurrection Means To Us?" 

Brother Pascual Cempron, a preacher from the island of Bohol, Philippines was the 6th speaker. He preached about, "The Lessons From The Conversion of Cornelius"

Brother Roger Pangate, was the 7th and last speaker who taught about "The Importance of Obeying the Gospel." He made a sincere invitation for everyone to obey the Gospel of Christ without delay.

During the invitation song, there were 2 souls who came forward and were ready to obey the Gospel of Christ through baptism according to the great commission of our Lord Jesus Christ. (Mark 16:15-16; Matthew 28:18-20) 

Brother Adriano Bacalso did the baptism at the sea. We give all the glory to God because of these 2 precious souls who were added to the Church. Please pray for them as new babes in Christ that God may help them grow unto maturity.

On the Lord's day, Oct. 25, 2015, we worshiped with the brethren in South Road Church of Christ, Mambaling, Cebu City. Brother Pacholo Famor lead the songs.

Brother Julie Divine Notarte preached for the bible study. He was given a lesson to preach about the theme, "Are You Living Your Life Backwards?"

After him, I, Joshua Notarte, was requested to preach for the sermon and gave a lesson quoted from 2 Cor. 6:14-7:1 - "Unequally Yoked Together With Unbelievers"

On October 26, 2015, I and my father went home to Digos City, Davao del Sur bringing with us the joy we experienced in preaching the True Gospel of Christ.

We are very thankful to God who provide our needs so we can preach in different places and help the brethren to be edified in their faith. Although my father have to borrow money just to make this thing possible.

Let us therefore make every effort to do what leads to peace and to mutual edification. (Romans 14:19)

Monday, October 19, 2015

Gospel Meeting at Albatana Church of Christ, Sitio Albatana, Maibo, Magsaysay, Davao del Sur

October 19, 2015

We give all glory and honor to God when people repented their sins and submit to Christ through baptism in His name. Thanks to God for giving us assurance in 1 PETER 3:21 - "baptism does also now save us." More and more sinners obeyed the Gospel of Christ.

Nineteen (19) precious souls submitted to baptism and were added to the church.

A Gospel Meeting was made in ALBATANA CHURCH OF CHRIST, Sitio Albatana, Maibo, Magsaysay, Davao del Sur. This congregation was established since 1977 when my grandfather, Ruben Notarte, preached the truth of the Church of Christ in this place and many were converted. But due to many wars and conflicts between Philippine Government and Communist Rebels, most of our brethren were afraid and forced to evacuate their homes and gardens. And I guess, this is the reason why it was called "Albatana" that in the native language of "B'laan Tribe" means "Deteriorated Land." But most of the brethren now are attending worship services in Maibo church of Christ, Maibo, Magsaysay, Davao del Sur, just 20 to 30 minutes walking distance. 
Brother Larry Madialan helped to restore this congregation because some still prefer to live in this place even that it was a critical area. They just made a temporary canopy to gather in their worship services. In this picture, brother Larry lead the songs.
Brother Jonathan Notarte was the first speaker who preached the word of God. He taught the lesson, "The Judgment is Coming, Are You Ready?"

Every speakers were given 20 minutes to preach because we were advised by the government officials to leave the area not beyond 12:00 noon.
Brother Rudy Coercy Notarte, the eldest brother of Julie Notarte, was the second speaker. He is a preacher in Tagum City church of Christ, Tagum City, Davao del Norte.
 I, Joshua Notarte, was requested to preach and was the third speaker. I taught the lesson about the "Warnings for the Church against False Doctrines."

Many who attended were members of denominations but they remained in their seats until we finished. They shown more interest to the truth they heard.
Brother Franklin Isla was the fourth speaker. He was a preacher for many years in Bansalan church of Christ, Gumamela St., Bansalan, Davao del Sur.
 My father, Julie Divine Notarte, was the 5th and last speaker. He taught the lesson "Be you not unequally yoked together with unbelievers." He ended his lesson with an invitation. A plea that God made for everyone to become His people and become part of His family which is the Church.
 During the invitation song, many came forward and confessed Christ. Through the effort of the brethren and our co-preachers in this place who preached to them for several times, this people decided to obey Christ and become members of His Kingdom which is the Church.

The brethren were edified and thankful for the gospel meeting. This picture shows also the faces of our co-preachers who helped in spreading the Gospel. Some of them were brother Jimmy Labuguen, Elio Saban, Jerome Pari, Noel Pandia, Brother Felis, Oliver Olie, etc.
Brother Matias Enoc did the baptism of 19 precious souls. Their names are:
1. Gido Noe
2. Wendel Balilid
3. Michelle Pari
4. Cheper Tamles
5. Rostan Macawili
6. Freddie Noe
7. Hanabel Batawan
8. Vivian Pilis
9. Roxanne Abad 
10. Jessel Mae Noe
11. Merry Grace Parasa
12. Desiflor Parasa
13. Jun Rey Diandan
14. Resnel Salas
15. Dina Gambin
16. Irene Odie
17. Lucia Odie
18. Joel Panday
19. Reden Dolin
We went home with gladness that God gave us success in preaching His word.

The man on the picture is brother Jerome Pari. He also helped in preaching in this congregation and in Maibo church of Christ and neighboring places. It's always a great joy to work with him.

These women on the picture are Preachers Wives. They are very active in helping the work of God. Through them, many were converted to Christ and they are really useful in edifying new converts. Please pray for them and we must not forget their important part in the Church.