Monday, October 5, 2015

Preachers Training at JP Laurel Church of Christ & Funeral Service to Brother Fedelito Matampole

October 05, 2015

It was a great day when Christians gathered together to learn more about God's precious word. His words is wonderful, more precious than gold. This was the 2nd month of Preachers Training Class in JP Laurel Church of Christ, JP Laurel, Malungon, Sarangani Province. 

In this picture is Brother Pedrito Matampole. He is one of the preachers in this congregation. His son is also helping him to preach here.

Even if his brother in flesh, Bro. Fedelito Matampole, died last Oct. 1, 2015 and their family is still on grief, he still pursue and not willing to postpone this schedule.

Brother Advincula Odas, was the first speaker. He delivered the message about, "Be Careful With Our Mouth." He is one of the preachers in Bitaug church of Christ, Bitaug, Sta. Cruz, Davao del Sur where I am also preaching together with my brothers in flesh, Joseph and Jonathan.

Brother Dionesio Tol was the 2nd speaker. He is currently preaching in 3 congregations on Sunday worship services. (1) Dongan Pekong Church of Christ, (2) Saub church of Christ & (3) Bantong church of Christ. All of this was part of the Municipality in Matanao, Davao del Sur.

Brother Rudy Coercy Notarte was the 3rd speaker. He is one of the preachers in Tagum City church of Christ, Tagum City, Davao del Norte together with his sons who are also preaching. He is the eldest brother of my father, Julie Notarte.

Brother Joseph Notarte was the 4th speaker. He quoted his lesson in John 6:68 - "To Whom Shall We Go?"

Brother Jonathan Notarte was the 5th speaker. He taught the lesson about "The Essentials  For The Lord's Work."

I, Joshua Notarte, was the 6th speaker who preached the word of God. I taught the lesson about "One Thing" - in the bible.

My father, Julie Divine Notarte, was the 7th and last speaker. He taught the lesson about "Are You Living Your Life Backwards?"

Everyone was very interested in studying the bible. We started our class at 9:00 AM and ended till 1:00 PM, non-stop. 

Every preachers remain in their seat until we finished and they copied every lessons we teach. The brethren indeed are very hungry for the word of God.

Most of the preachers attended came from mountainous areas in Sarangani Province where they preached and lived. Most of them don't have financial support but active in helping to spread the True Gospel.

God willing, this preachers training will continue every month. We need your prayers and support for this work to be successful.


Right after the preachers training at JP Laurel church of Christ, we went to OsmeƱa, Sulop, Davao del Sur where we preached the word of God on a funeral service to comfort the family of brother Fedelito Matampole who died in alleged hit-and-run accident in his motorbike. 

In this picture is the family of brother Fedelito.

This is the house of brother Fedelito Matampole where his body was laid. His dead body will be buried on October 9, 2015.

They are asking for help to the brethren who are able because their hospital bills was not paid. They are poor. Please help them.

Brother Fedelito is a preacher in Upper Labay church of Christ, Upper Labay, General Santos City.

Brother Rudy Coercy Notarte lead the songs.

My father, Julie Divine Notarte, preached the word of God. 

Many had attended. Some of them are the brethren in Parami church of Christ in its neighboring community.

On the window is the view where everyone can see the preacher.

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