Friday, October 9, 2015

Gospel Meeting at BAGONG SILANG CHURCH OF CHRIST, Bagong Silang, San Remigio, Kaputian, Island Garden City of Samal

October 09, 2015

Most of the brethren in Bagong Silang Church of Christ were baptized since 1980's. They were converted through the radio program of my late grandfather, Ruben Notarte, and after he died on 1979, my father, Julie Notarte, continued to preach in their radio program together with his brother, Joy Remuner Notarte until they received a letter inviting them to preach in Samal Island.

At the present, most of them remain as members of the Church of Christ. They also helped in establishing local congregations in such island. They were originally members in Taclobo church of Christ, Taclobo, Libertad, Kaputian, Samal and expanded here. They also helped established a congregation in Madali church of Christ.

Brother Joseph Notarte lead the songs and was the first speaker. He taught the lesson about "Victory Without WEIGHTS."

Brother Jonathan Notarte was the second speaker and taught the lesson about "The Essentials in the Lord's Work."

They were blessed to have sound preachers who could help them edify and help preaching in different congregations. Their preachers are brother Godofredo Catamora, Jerry Catamora, Bobby Enotivas, Jose Noquera, etc.

I, Joshua Notarte, was the third speaker. I taught the lesson, "Ask not what the Church can do for you, but Ask what I can do for the Church."

When I was a kid, I can still remember that the women taught us on children bible classes. But now, we are the one teaching them about Christian life in this MONTHLY GOSPEL MEETING.

My father, Julie Divine Notarte, was the 4th and last speaker. He taught the lesson, "Are You Living Your Life Backwards?"

For more than a year, this monthly gospel meeting continued with great help on the faith of the brethren. We prayed that this work will be more fruitful in coming days or years. But we could not do this without your help brethren through your prayers and financial help. Please continue to help us as we continue to preach the truth in different places.

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