Tuesday, November 29, 2016

Gospel Meeting at Balite church of Christ, Balite, Marilog District, Davao City (4 SOULS BAPTIZED)

November 29, 2016

Preaching saves, but not just any kind of preaching. It must be gospel preaching (Mark 16:15-16). Paul said the gospel is the power of God unto salvation (Rom. 1:16). The word "power" is a translation of the Greek word dunamis, from which we get the word "dynamite." The gospel is, therefore, the dynamite of God, powerful enough to blast sin out of man and man out of sin.

We were invited to be the speakers of the Gospel Meeting at Balite church of Christ, Balite, Marilog District, Davao City where brother Roger Sumahay preaches. He continue the work here after their local preacher, Jerry Aguan, died on January 8, 2016. Brother Roger was emotional as he speaks about the trials they faced in order to remain faithful in service to God.

The SPEAKERS who preached the word of God were brother James Ani Sr. (who also lead the songs), brother Jonathan Notarte, I (Joshua Notarte), Julie Divine A. Notarte, Connie Balbin, Gerry Caa, Pepe Ando and Noli Caa.

After preaching the Gospel of Christ, 4 SOULS came forward during the invitation song and submitted to baptism. We glorify God for this addition in His Kingdom which is the Church of Christ.

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