Tuesday, July 5, 2016

Funeral Service of Sister Linsay M. Emba

July 5, 2016

Matthew 5:4 - 
"Blessed are those who mourn, For they shall be comforted."

Our sister in Christ, Linsay Mino Emba, 106 years old, and a member in Malinan church of Christ, Malinan, Kidapawan City died due to her old age. She was baptized on the year 1992 by my father, Julie Divine A. Notarte, and after that she remain faithful in Christ even though many had tempted her to transfer in different religion. We admire her faith in standing for the truth. In fact, her family and many of her relatives were members of the Church of Christ. 

I (Joshua A. Notarte) was requested to preach on the funeral service this day. Together with me were brother Joseph Notarte, Jonathan Notarte, Noli Caa and Francisco Pampangan who is one of the preachers in Malinan church of Christ. We do what we can to comfort the family of sister Linsay Emba and we give some amount of help for the burial expenses. Please pray for them.

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