Monday, November 9, 2015

Bible Study on the Book of Romans (1st Day)

The depth study of the Book of Romans had started as early as 7:45 AM and ended till 5:30 PM. It was held in Kamagong Hall, EcoTech, Lahug, Cebu City.

I, Joshua A. Notarte, was requested to lead a song to formally start the lecture.

Brother Harry Osborne, from Tuttle, Oklahoma, U.S.A. is our teacher. He is a very good teacher who can systematically gives many illustrations to fully understand every phrase and word of the bible. Through his teaching, I personally learn more things we need to understand in the Book of Romans.

Brother Ramon Cariño is the eldest student. He is 92 years old now but still sharp is studying the bible. I am very inspired for his dedication in the work of God. He is the father of Brother Jonathan Cariño.

All of the students or my co-preachers from different places in the Philippines had arrived. This day also, my father, Julie Divine A. Notarte, and my brothers in flesh, Joseph and Jonathan had safely arrived. Though they are just seat in and had to pay for their travelling expenses and accommodation. The most important is to learn more from the bible with this kind of study. We discussed from Romans chapter 1 to 4 and after that, we made our assignment to create a textual or exegetical outline from the said chapters.

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