Thursday, December 17, 2015

Bible Study at Provincial Jail, Matti, Digos City, Davao del Sur, Philippines

December 17, 2015

"I was in prison, and you came to Me." - Matthew 25:36
These words from Jesus Christ always remind us on how important for us to preach the Gospel to the prisoners. We all need salvation in Christ and it is our responsibility as Christians to preach about Jesus Christ to those who are lost in sin. And by God's grace, many of them who heard the truth for several times through weekly bible studies are now ready to obey by submitting to water baptism. Please help us pray that God will make a way for us to baptized them. It is not always easy for us to conduct baptism inside the jail. There are many permits to be made and the jail guards must be convinced. Please help us pray for this plan of God's work.

This time, brother Julie Divine A. Notarte preached the word of God. He taught about "The Church at Corinth." A good lesson that shows of the people who are very sinful and hard headed after becoming Christians, but still they were able to repent in their sins and be acceptable to God and become active for the work in helping the brethren. And as we always observed, the prisoners were very attentive in hearing the truth.

I, Joshua A. Notarte, lead the songs. Other preachers who cooperated were brother Joseph Notarte, Jonathan Notarte and Benito "Ben" Dulong.

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