Thursday, April 14, 2016

Drought Victims Pleading for Help

April 14, 2016

A severe long drought in the Philippines has damaged the wide scale of crops, trees, farm animals, and even houses of our brethren. Hundreds of hectares in Davao del Sur areas and neighboring provinces were burned with grass fire due to severe heat of the sun. We don't experience enough rains for several months that cause many rivers empty. That is why wherever we go, we see the hard condition of our brethren who are struggling to survive.

This day, we witnessed the great effect of drought in OsmeƱa, Sulop, Davao del Sur where 4 houses of our brethren were totally burned with fire and also burned the coconut plants of brother Ringene Grengea who is a member in Padada church of Christ. Massive grass fire occur during the intense heat of the sun that burned their houses and plants. For now, they evacuated in a small room at Day Care Center in such area. We do what we can to help them. We give some rice and clothes to relieve them in this hard times. Please pray for them. Their needs are still greater than what we can give.

Many more brethren in different places are much affected by drought. Everyday, we received text messages and phone calls from the brethren asking for urgent relief. Many brethren are in hunger and sick who need food and medicines. Many brethren died already due to severe heat and was heat stroke. Some of them were not yet buried. We do what we can to help them but our resources was very limited. We don't have enough finances even for our travelling expenses and our car tires need to be replaced.

We are asking for help to our brethren who are able to help those who are much affected by long drought. It will take at least 4 months before the farmers can recovered after we experience rains again and it will take about 5 years before their coconut plants could bear fruits. Please help us and remember us in your prayers. No matter how small your help is will be properly used and received with great thanksgiving. If you have any concern, please contact us immediately.

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