Saturday, April 23, 2016

Gospel Meeting in Suawan church of Christ, Suawan, Marilog District, Davao City (2 SOULS BAPTIZED)

April 23, 2016

The Gospel of Christ was preached on 2 Days Gospel Meeting at Suawan church of Christ where brother Martino Soboy preaches. This congregation was established on early 1970's and until now they remain faithful. Some of them who were first baptized are still alive like brother Nadim, who is one of the elders in this congregation. We are thankful for their invitation to preach here that edify many brethren in Christ.

There were 8 SPEAKERS who preached the word of God on this second day. They are brother (1) Juan Caa, (2) Feleciano Linao Sr., (3) Gerry Caa, (4) Noli Caa, (5) Dudley Ross Balbin, (6) Sonny Dave Balbin, (7) I, Joshua A. Notarte, and (8) Julie Divine A. Notarte. There were many more preachers who attended but due to limited time, they were not able to preach. Some of them are brother Joseph A. Notarte, Cebe Arjay Notarte, Connie Balbin, Keith Alagano, Leonardo Manlatas, Pepe Ando, etc.

After preaching the truth, 2 precious souls came forward during the invitation song and submitted to baptism. To God be the glory!

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