Monday, June 27, 2016

Bible Study at New Quezon church of Christ, New Quezon, Hagonoy, Davao del Sur (1 SOUL BAPTIZED)

June 27, 2016

Acts 10:47 (NKJV) - 
"Can any man forbid water, that these should not be baptized, 
who have received the Holy Spirit as well as we?"

Just like Cornelius and his household, there will be no reason for forbidding baptism to those who heard, believe, repent, and confess Christ as the Son of God. Salvation is for everyone who do God's will. For the same reason, we are thankful for He touches the hearts of those who heard the truth.

This day, one of the persons who attended our worship services in New Quezon church of Christ has decided to be baptized. Brother Joseph A. Notarte was the preacher in this congregation for many years and I (Joshua Notarte), together with brother Jonathan Notarte and Pedro Perez help together in edifying the brethren here. Our late sister in Christ, Felomina Elan, help us in establishing this congregation and we can say that this is one of her legacy in God's work.

My father, Julie Divine A. Notarte preached during our bible study and I lead the songs. After preaching the truth, Antonia Montejo Diot, submitted to baptism and we give all the glory to God. In the pictures below, you can see her daughter assisted during the baptism because sister Antonia's feet are weak. Please pray for our new sister in Christ as she enters a new life.

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