Thursday, June 16, 2016

Bible Study in Davao del Sur Provincial Jail, Matti, Digos City, Davao del Sur & Distribution of Cebuano Bibles to the Prisoners

June 16, 2016

By God's grace, our weekly bible study with the prisoners in Davao del Sur Provincial Jail (also known as Provincial Rehabilitation Center) continue to change the lives of many sinners and criminals. Many more are coming to us after hearing the truth for several times and requested to be baptized. This could only be done when the jail administration permits but we are very optimistic that the warden will allow especially now that warden Espinosa is asking for bible study materials and preaching outlines of the Church of Christ. Please help us pray that God will touch more hearts to obey the Gospel of Christ.

My father, Julie Divine A. Notarte, preached this day. Brother Joseph A. Notarte lead the songs and the preachers who cooperated were brother Ben Dulong, Jonathan A. Notarte and I (Joshua A. Notarte). Sister Susan Dulong always cooperated with us in this work. After preaching, we give 5 BIBLES translated in our local dialect "Cebuano." These were given to the brethren who requested and they are very thankful for it. This will surely help edify their faith and grow their knowledge in Christ. We are very thankful to the brethren in U.S. through brother Ron Halbrook in buying these bibles.

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