Wednesday, June 22, 2016

Funeral Service & Burial of sister Lileth Dialane; Many brethren also are sick

June 22, 2016

2 Corinthians 5:8-9 (ISV)
We are confident, then, and would prefer to be away from this body and to live with the Lord. So whether we are at home or away from home, our goal is to be pleasing to him.

Our sister in Christ, Lileth Dialane, died after giving birth of her first son. She undergo cesarean operation in one of the hospitals in General Santos City but since they don't have money, she secretly decided not to buy any of the prescribed medicines and went home riding a motorcycle but after few hours, she died. Sister Lileth was a member in Kalonbarak church of Christ, Kalonbarak, Poblacion, Malungon, Sarangani Province. She was baptized during our first time in preaching the Gospel of Christ in their area. Please pray for her family especially to her son, Lei Andrea Dialane in this difficult time of their lives.

We went there to comfort her family through the word of God. I (Joshua A. Notarte) was requested to preach during the last funeral service until the burial. Brother Joseph Notarte  and Jonathan Notarte lead the songs. The preachers who cooperated with us were brother Pedrito Matampole and Galacio Simplicio.

Many brethren in Kalonbarak church of Christ are sick during the time we visit the place. One of them is their preacher, brother Galacio Simplicio, who is already half blinded. One of his eyes need medical operation but could not able due to financial loss. He is preaching for many years and help established several local congregations of the Church of Christ. We went also to Malungon Municipal Hospital and visit the son of sister Irish Sumagaysay. Her child's name is Ram Sumagaysay. They are both sick and don't have money for their hospital bills. They don't even have food to eat the time we visited them. We give some amount of help from our own pocket. Please pray for them.

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