Wednesday, June 29, 2016

Preacher Training & Gospel Meeting at J.P. Laurel church of Christ, J.P. Laurel, Malungon, Sarangani Province (3 SOULS BAPTIZED)

June 28-29, 2016

1 Corinthians 1:21 (ISV) - 
"For since, in the wisdom of God, 
the world through its wisdom did not know God, 
God was pleased to save those who believe 
through the nonsense of our preaching."

Preaching the true Gospel of Christ will invite men and women to become obedient to God. Many people view God's word as a "foolishness" but for us, it is the power of God unto salvation. Therefore, we need to continue in spreading the Gospel for it will never be in vain. For the same reason, we are thankful to the brethren in J.P. Laurel church of Christ who are very much active in this work by having monthly preacher training class since September 2015. Brother Pedrito Matampole labors here and help us in converting many of his neighbors in their community.

On this month, they decided to have 2 days activities. On the first day, they held the Preacher Training Class where brother Pedrito Matampole, Ringene Grengea and their co-preachers attended and study thoroughly the bible until midnight. On the second day was the Gospel Meeting because there were visitors who attended who are not yet members of the Church of Christ. I (Joshua A. Notarte), together with brother Joseph Notarte, Jonathan Notarte and Julie Divine A. Notarte were requested to preach.

After preaching the truth, 3 SOULS came forward during the invitation song and submitted to baptism. Their names are: 1. Romel Campaan, 2. Danisa Campaan, and 3. Marites Larapan. Brother Julie Notarte baptized them and we give all the glory to God.

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