Saturday, January 30, 2016

Preacher Training at Kitakal church of Christ, Kitakal, Malungon, Sarangani Province, Philippines

 January 30, 2016

We attended and cooperated the Preacher Training Class in Kitakal church of Christ, Kitakal, Malungon, Sarangani Province where sister Sel Sandoval hosted with their local preacher, brother Feliciano Linao Jr., son of brother Feliciano Linao Sr. who is also a preacher in Suawan church of Christ, Sitio Apo, Suawan, Marilog Dist., Davao City.

About 30 preachers from different places had attended and we are thankful to see each other learning more about the doctrine of Christ which strengthen our faith. Everyone was attentive and focused as we study the word of God. And so, we are thankful to God for his providence to make this work possible.

My father, Julie Divine A. Notarte, was given a time to preached first in the morning. He taught the lesson, "Marks of a Mature Christian." 

Brother Jonathan Cariño was the main speaker who preached the word of God. He is a Gospel preacher in Cebu City church of Christ and was known for his dedication in helping and teaching the preachers to be equipped in teaching the Gospel of Christ to the lost. We were all edified to the lessons we learned and we give all the glory to God.

Thursday, January 28, 2016

Bible Study at Davao del Sur Provincial Jail, Matti, Digos City, Davao del Sur

 January 28, 2016

The Gospel of Christ was continually preached to the prisoners in Davao del Sur Provincial Jail where more than 500 people detained. Every Thursday morning, many of them are waiting for us and are ready to hear the truth we preach. Our prayer is that God may help us bear fruit in this jail who will obey the Gospel through water baptism. Please help us pray with this God's precious work in saving souls.

This day, brother Joseph A. Notarte, my eldest brother in flesh and son of Julie Divine A. Notarte, preached the word of God. Brother Jonathan A. Notarte lead the songs and I (Joshua A. Notarte) and Ben Dulong with his wife had cooperated.


Tuesday, January 26, 2016

One (1) Soul Baptized at Taclobo, Libertad, Kaputian, Island Garden City of Samal

 January 26, 2016

We glorify God for every soul who obey the Gospel of Christ that saves us from sin. We know and believed that there shall be joy in heaven even for one soul that repents. (Luke 15:7)

As we visit the brethren in Taclobo church of Christ, Taclobo, Libertad, Kaputian, Island Garden City of Samal, one of a faithful truth seeker had decided to be baptized on this day. She attended the worship services and gospel meetings in such congregation for several times. This congregation was established early 1980's through the radio program of my grandfather, Ruben Notarte, and followed by my father, Julie Divine A. Notarte and brother Joy Remuner Notarte. Until now, the brethren here remain faithful into Christ and many of them died already as members of the Church of Christ.

My father, Julie Divine A. Notarte, baptized her in the sea after some bible study we made to assure that she understood the importance of water baptism. Her name is MARICEL LUMOGDANG.

I (Joshua A. Notarte) cooperated in this work and was requested to read some scriptures after the baptism. My brothers in flesh, Joseph and Jonathan also cooperated with some local preachers in such congregation like brother Bobby Enotivas and Boy Lumogdang.

Monday, January 25, 2016

Five (5) Souls Baptized at Sulop, Davao del Sur

 January 25, 2016

As the Gospel of Christ was continually preached to many alien sinners in this world, many more people "turned to God from idols to serve the living and true God." (1 Thes. 1:9)

We give all the glory to God as we witnessed these 5 PRECIOUS SOULS who submitted to baptism after repenting their sins. They were formerly members of "Filipinista Cult Religion" who practices in worshiping idols. But after they heard the truth through brother Pedrito Matampole in J.P. Laurel church of Christ, J.P. Laurel, Malungon, Sarangani Province, they understood the truth and decided to be baptized as soon as possible. But since the river in their place was polluted, we scheduled this baptism here and we are thankful for the success with God's help.

Before we went to the water, brother Julie Divine A. Notarte preached first the word of God to refresh in our minds the importance of water baptism according to the great commission of Jesus Christ. And after hearing the whole truth and confessing Christ as the son of God, brother Julie baptized them immediately. To God be the glory!

Their names are:
1. Danny Guintolon
2. Dominic Guintolon
3. Minda Guintolon
4. Margie Egalan
5. Melody Sotto

Other preachers who cooperated in this work were brother Joseph A. Notarte, Jonathan A. Notarte, Ringene Grengrea and I (Joshua A. Notarte).

Sunday, January 24, 2016

Worship Services & One (1) Soul Baptized

 January 24, 2016

Every Sunday worship services, we traveled to different congregations and edify the brethren to continue in their faith. Also, we do our best to deliver the Gospel of Christ to every sinner who seek salvation and we are so thankful to God for his help in making this work possible.

9:00 - 11:00 AM - I (Joshua A. Notarte) and my father, Julie Divine A. Notarte, preached the word of God on the worship service at Digos City church of Christ, Roxas Ext., Zone 3, Digos City. After the worship, ONE SOUL decided to be baptized after hearing the truth for several times. Her name is Esterlita Marson. Brother Julie Notarte baptized her in Lozada, San Isidro, Hagonoy, Davao del Sur. Preacher who cooperated were brother Rino Minggong, Cebe Arjay A. Notarte and I. To God be the glory!

9:00 - 11:00 AM - Brother Joseph A. Notarte and Advincula Odas also preached in Bitaug church of Christ, Bitaug, Sta. Cruz, Davao del Sur.

9:00 - 12:00 NN - Brother Jonathan A. Notarte preached in two (2) congregations. First, he preached in New Quezon church of Christ, New Quezon, Hagonoy, Davao del Sur. Second, he preached in Manga church of Christ, Manga, Matanao, Davao del Sur.

2:00 - 3:00 PM - The worship services in Digos City District Jail church of Christ, Digos City continues. Brother Julie Divine A. Notarte preached in Male Section and brother Joseph A. Notarte preached in Female Section.

4:00 - 5:00 PM - I (Joshua A. Notarte) preached in Padada church of Christ, Sikatuna St., Padada, Davao del Sur.

We could not do this without the help of our co-preachers and we are thankful to brother Joey Bilang, Ruel Eloy, Renato Bogoy, Ringene Grengea and Cebe Arjay A. Notarte. May God gives an increase for all our effort and sacrifices for his precious work.

Saturday, January 23, 2016

Two (2) Souls Baptized at Dawis, Digos City, Davao del Sur

 January 23, 2016

We glorify God always when there are people who seek the truth and obey the Gospel that saves souls. This day, two (2) precious souls submitted to water baptism after hearing the Gospel of Christ for several times through the help of brother Francisco Pampangan, a preacher in Malinan church of Christ, Malinan, Kidapawan City and also helped in preaching in different congregations in Makilala, Cotabato areas. Through his help, many lost souls had heard the truth and remain faithful in Christ.

Before we went to the water, my father, Julie Divine A. Notarte, preached first the word of God by refreshing in our minds the importance of water baptism according to the great commission of Jesus Christ. (Matt. 28:18-20; Mark 16:15-16) After confessing Christ as the son of God, we immediately went to the sea and baptized them.

Their names are:
1. Alanis Ibrahim
2. Yolie Jean Panggilan
     They were formerly members of "Missionary Baptist Church" but after hearing the truth, they attended worship services of the Church of Christ until decided to obey the Gospel by submitting to baptism. We give all the glory to God for this addition.

Please pray for our new sisters in Christ that they could also helped in sharing the truth they heard and obeyed and may God help them become mature in Christ.

I, Joshua A. Notarte, together with my brothers in flesh, Joseph Notarte and Jonathan Notarte had cooperated in this work.

Friday, January 22, 2016

A Brother in Christ, Cincio S. Buan, DIED

 January 22, 2016

We preached the word of God on a funeral service at Malinan, Kidapawan City, North Cotabato and comfort the family of Brother Cincio S. Buan who died on January 19, 2016.

Brother Cincio was a faithful member in Malinan Church of Christ, Purok Santol, Malinan, Kidapawan City, North Cotabato and was one of the eldest members in this congregation. His family and relatives were formerly members in Asbangilok church of Christ, Asbangilok, Tagaytay, Magsaysay, Davao del Sur but when Muslim rebels brought chaos in their place where many brethren were killed and burned several church building of the Church of Christ since late 1970's, they evacuated their place and transferred here. But the good news was everywhere they went, they were preaching the Gospel of Christ and established many local congregations and remain faithful to Christ until death.

My father, Julie Divine A. Notarte preached the word of God. Many brethren and alien sinners had attended and heard the truth. They were so thankful for the message they learned and for our presence in this hard times. We also gave some amount of help for the burial expenses since they don't have enough money and were very poor.

The preachers who helped in this work were brother Francisco Pampangan who is a preacher in this congregation and also helped in preaching for the funeral services in other days. Brother Joseph Notarte, Jonathan Notarte and I (Joshua Notarte) also cooperated.

Please pray for the brethren in Malinan Church of Christ and to the family of brother Cincio Buan. May God be with them always as they continue to live with hope in their faith.

Thursday, January 21, 2016

Brother Rudy Coercy A. Notarte confined at Regan Memorial Hospital, Tagum City

 January 21, 2016

A faithful brother in Christ and our co-preacher, brother Rudy Coercy A. Notarte, was confined at Regan Memorial Hospital, Tagum City due to "Cerebral Stroke" which started on January 19, 2016. He is the eldest brother in flesh of my father, Julie Divine A. Notarte. For many years, we went together preaching the Gospel of Christ in different places in Mindanao Island, Philippines. We preached even in hinterlands and in places where many rebels lived. Through his helped in preaching, many sinners heard the truth and obeyed the Gospel of Christ after repenting their sins.

In this hard times, his family is pleading for help through prayers and financial assistance. They already have big debts and in financial crisis. They don't know where to find money to pay their hospital bills and to buy the necessary medicines for his immediate recovery. Please pray for him and help him.

His wife, Josefina Notarte, was also very sickly. She undergo several operations already and they borrowed huge amount of money to pay their bills. Until now, she still in recovery processes and need more medical operations due to her illness.

His son, Vincent Notarte, was also confined in the hospital for more than 1 month already and undergo "Dialysis" twice a week due to diabetes. (This was shown in the last picture)

Please pray for them and help them. May God touch the hearts of the brethren who are able. If you have any concern, send an email to my father at:

Bible Study at Davao del Sur Provincial Jail, Matti, Digos City, Davao del Sur

 January 21, 2016

Every Thursday, we do our best to preach the Gospel of Christ to the prisoners in Davao del Sur Provincial Jail where more or less 500 detained. Many were interested in hearing the truth and some of them taking notes of the lessons we preached. 

This time, brother Jonathan A. Notarte preached the word of God. I, Joshua A. Notarte, lead the songs and other preachers who cooperated were brother Ben Dulong and my father, Julie Divine A. Notarte. Brother Julie was not able to preach because he loss his voice due to his allergy.

We are so thankful for the jail administration in allowing us to preach the truth about Jesus Christ. May God help us with this work to harvest many lost souls.


Tuesday, January 19, 2016

Funeral Service for Brother Jesus Samling

January 19, 2016

We preached on a funeral service at Balnate church of Christ, Balnate, Magsaysay, Davao del Sur before we buried our Brother in Christ, Jesus Samling. He was sick for many years but his family don't have enough money to buy his medicines because of hardship.

Brother Jesus Samling and his family are all members in Balnate Church of Christ for many years. They are active in helping this congregation grow which started on 1979. My father, Julie Notarte, sacrificed in training preachers from them and until now, they remain in preaching the truth. Brother Ronnie "Luis" Samling is their present preacher until now who is also a Barangay Captain in their community.

Many preachers helped in comforting the family of brother Jesus Samling. Brother Frank Isla preached for several nights during the funeral services together with brother Ronald Jay Dela Rosa. Brother Cenon Taña, Eddie Samling, Joseph Notarte and Jonathan Notarte also cooperated.

This time, brother Julie Divine A. Notarte was requested to preach. He preached the truth and also comfort the family who loss their loving father. I, Joshua A. Notarte, was requested to lead the songs. Many people had attended and heard the truth.

Please pray for the family of brother Jesus Samling that they can overcome in this hard times. May the word of God helped them edify their faith.