Saturday, January 23, 2016

Two (2) Souls Baptized at Dawis, Digos City, Davao del Sur

 January 23, 2016

We glorify God always when there are people who seek the truth and obey the Gospel that saves souls. This day, two (2) precious souls submitted to water baptism after hearing the Gospel of Christ for several times through the help of brother Francisco Pampangan, a preacher in Malinan church of Christ, Malinan, Kidapawan City and also helped in preaching in different congregations in Makilala, Cotabato areas. Through his help, many lost souls had heard the truth and remain faithful in Christ.

Before we went to the water, my father, Julie Divine A. Notarte, preached first the word of God by refreshing in our minds the importance of water baptism according to the great commission of Jesus Christ. (Matt. 28:18-20; Mark 16:15-16) After confessing Christ as the son of God, we immediately went to the sea and baptized them.

Their names are:
1. Alanis Ibrahim
2. Yolie Jean Panggilan
     They were formerly members of "Missionary Baptist Church" but after hearing the truth, they attended worship services of the Church of Christ until decided to obey the Gospel by submitting to baptism. We give all the glory to God for this addition.

Please pray for our new sisters in Christ that they could also helped in sharing the truth they heard and obeyed and may God help them become mature in Christ.

I, Joshua A. Notarte, together with my brothers in flesh, Joseph Notarte and Jonathan Notarte had cooperated in this work.

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