Friday, January 22, 2016

A Brother in Christ, Cincio S. Buan, DIED

 January 22, 2016

We preached the word of God on a funeral service at Malinan, Kidapawan City, North Cotabato and comfort the family of Brother Cincio S. Buan who died on January 19, 2016.

Brother Cincio was a faithful member in Malinan Church of Christ, Purok Santol, Malinan, Kidapawan City, North Cotabato and was one of the eldest members in this congregation. His family and relatives were formerly members in Asbangilok church of Christ, Asbangilok, Tagaytay, Magsaysay, Davao del Sur but when Muslim rebels brought chaos in their place where many brethren were killed and burned several church building of the Church of Christ since late 1970's, they evacuated their place and transferred here. But the good news was everywhere they went, they were preaching the Gospel of Christ and established many local congregations and remain faithful to Christ until death.

My father, Julie Divine A. Notarte preached the word of God. Many brethren and alien sinners had attended and heard the truth. They were so thankful for the message they learned and for our presence in this hard times. We also gave some amount of help for the burial expenses since they don't have enough money and were very poor.

The preachers who helped in this work were brother Francisco Pampangan who is a preacher in this congregation and also helped in preaching for the funeral services in other days. Brother Joseph Notarte, Jonathan Notarte and I (Joshua Notarte) also cooperated.

Please pray for the brethren in Malinan Church of Christ and to the family of brother Cincio Buan. May God be with them always as they continue to live with hope in their faith.

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