Monday, January 25, 2016

Five (5) Souls Baptized at Sulop, Davao del Sur

 January 25, 2016

As the Gospel of Christ was continually preached to many alien sinners in this world, many more people "turned to God from idols to serve the living and true God." (1 Thes. 1:9)

We give all the glory to God as we witnessed these 5 PRECIOUS SOULS who submitted to baptism after repenting their sins. They were formerly members of "Filipinista Cult Religion" who practices in worshiping idols. But after they heard the truth through brother Pedrito Matampole in J.P. Laurel church of Christ, J.P. Laurel, Malungon, Sarangani Province, they understood the truth and decided to be baptized as soon as possible. But since the river in their place was polluted, we scheduled this baptism here and we are thankful for the success with God's help.

Before we went to the water, brother Julie Divine A. Notarte preached first the word of God to refresh in our minds the importance of water baptism according to the great commission of Jesus Christ. And after hearing the whole truth and confessing Christ as the son of God, brother Julie baptized them immediately. To God be the glory!

Their names are:
1. Danny Guintolon
2. Dominic Guintolon
3. Minda Guintolon
4. Margie Egalan
5. Melody Sotto

Other preachers who cooperated in this work were brother Joseph A. Notarte, Jonathan A. Notarte, Ringene Grengrea and I (Joshua A. Notarte).

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