Thursday, January 7, 2016

Bible Study with the Prisoners in Davao del Sur Provincial Jail, Matti, Digos City

January 7, 2016

God loves every soul of man even to those who are in prison. He hears their problems, cry, grief, and pain. So it was amazing to know that even to this kind of person, God still want to help them. And as the bible says that God "...hear the groans of the prisoners, to set free those who were doomed to die." Psalms 102:20 

We continue the bible study with the prisoners in Davao del Sur Provincial Jail where more than 500 prisoners detained. We helped them on how to search the truth and after several months of preaching, many of them were already convinced and are ready to obey the Gospel by submitting to water baptism. 

This day, brother Julie Divine A. Notarte preached the word of God. Brother Jonathan A. Notarte lead the songs and brother Ben Dulong and I (Joshua A. Notarte) had cooperated.

We are thankful to the jail administration in allowing us to preach the truth inside the jail. 

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