Saturday, January 16, 2016

Gospel Meeting at Kalonbarak, Poblacion, Malungon, Sarangani Province; 10 SOULS BAPTIZED

January 16, 2016

In the highlands of Poblacion, Malungon, Sarangani Province located a small community called Kalonbarak where we found a great prospect of truth seekers and an opportunity to establish a local congregation of the Church of Christ. 

Together with my co-preachers, we went there using our Pajero car and the motorbike of brother Pedrito Matampole whose motorbike was not paid for three months because of financial crisis and great debt during the death of his brother in flesh, Fedelito Matampole. The company where he bought his motorbike called him for last warning before they will be forced to confiscate it. Please pray for him and may God touch the heart of those who could help. 

Brother Galacio Simplicio, a gospel preacher of the Church of Christ for many years invited us to preach here. He was converted by brother Leonardo Maste and after that he helped in preaching the truth in different places and helped in establishing several congregations in South Cotabato areas. Now, he help to open a congregation here in Kalonbarak, Poblacion, Malungon, Sarangani Province where his grandson and close relatives reside. He also invited some denominational leaders who are influenced by many false teaching.

During the gospel meeting, brother Rudy Coercy A. Notarte, a preacher in Tagum City church of Christ, Tagum City, Davao del Norte, lead the opening songs. 

The house is small so we could not enter all in the room. Many were listening outside but the message was clear since we used a sound system. Even the neighbors could hear it clear.

Many preachers had attended but only my father, Julie Divine A. Notarte, was able to preach. We choose to maximize the time for the open forum since they have many good questions asked. Many of them who attended heard the teaching of the Church of Christ for the first time and they were amazed on the answers given were all biblical.

Aside from that, one of the great problem in this community was the place where we can baptized those who will obey. Their nearest river was about 5 kilometers or 1 hour walking distance. No vehicles could enter. So we decided to hire motorbikes to fill the drum with water. It was the only option we could think to do the baptism.

 During the invitation song, I was requested to lead the song and there were 10 PRECIOUS SOULS who came forward and were immediately baptized. We give all glory to God for this addition.

My father, Julie Divine A. Notarte, baptized them using a drum filled with water.

Their names are:
1. Myla Cambang
2. Divina Osano
3. Jomila Cambang
4. Leleth Dialane
5. Lovely Heart Cambang
6. Leve Heart Cambang
7. Letecia Salutan
8. Felipe Salutan
9. Gabino Cambang
10. Jovie Ann Pangilan

After baptizing them, brother Joseph A. Notarte read some scriptures in the bible to edify them as new babes in Christ. May God help them become mature in their faith.

Other preachers who cooperated were brother Jonathan A. Notarte and Pedrito Matampole.

Lastly, they plan to build a small church building where they can meet to worship. They are willing to donate a portion of lot beside their house. Their only problem is where to find money for cutting trees, for the roof and other materials. Please pray for this good plan of our new brethren as they were eager and happy to live a new life in Christ. May God help us meet our needs for His glory.

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